速報APP / 遊戲 / One Pot Carrom For Kids Puzzle Learning

One Pot Carrom For Kids Puzzle Learning


檔案大小:120.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 4.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


One Pot Carrom For Kids Puzzle Learning Challenge(圖1)-速報App

One Pot Carrom is an interesting learning game,help the kids to learn ABC and Words in a unique and different style.A New concept in Educational games that helps learn letters and letters sound while having Endless Fun.

One Pot Carrom For Kids Puzzle Learning Challenge(圖2)-速報App

Kids will hear the pronunciation of the things which they pot. The game consists of following modes:

One Pot Carrom For Kids Puzzle Learning Challenge(圖3)-速報App

Learning Mode: In learning mode, you will learn the letter with their appropriate words e.g A for apple, ant, alligator etc, and pot the word/picture.

One Pot Carrom For Kids Puzzle Learning Challenge(圖4)-速報App

Game Mode: In gaming mode, you will play game by potting the correct word/picture by hearing its letter sound.

One Pot Carrom For Kids Puzzle Learning Challenge(圖5)-速報App

Start potting ABC Alphabets with Fun Today!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad